Weeds on the Bellarine

Land stewards across the Bellarine Peninsula are taking action to care for their farms and patches of native bush by identifying and controlling weeds.

Put simply a weed is a plant out of place, and they pose a big threat to our natural environment. Weeds outcompete native plants, prevent regeneration of bushland and take over farmland. They reduce agricultural production and impact land values. Weeds harbour feral animals such as rabbits, foxes and feral cats.

Weeds spread through seeds and cuttings carried by the wind, birds, animals, water, and vehicles, as well as by the inappropriate dumping of rubbish. People living adjoining bushland should be aware of “garden escapees”, plants in their gardens with the potential to spread and degrade bushland.

Under Victoria’s Catchment and Land Protection Act (CaLP) 1994, some plants are declared as noxious weeds and land stewards are legally responsible for their control.

There are many resources at hand to help you identify weeds and understand the best ways to control them.

Weeds Australia has an excellent app for weed identification. And use their website to search for information on particular weeds, including control measures.

Here’s our list of the major Bellarine weeds

Good websites to help you build your understanding of weed management:


Prescribed measures for the control of noxious weeds | Weeds | Biosecurity | Agriculture Victoria

And please reach out Bellarine Landcare Group and we can provide you with specific advice. Why not bring your weed sample along to a monthly Landcare meeting and start a conversation with your landcare community? You may find there are many other locals who have faced similar challenges.