Indigenous Nursery

Our Nursery

Our nursery volunteers grow 220 species of local native plants, propagating 60,000 plants annually. These plants are grown from locally sourced seed and cutting material, which we collect using a Flora and Fauna Guarantee Permit. Each year we discover new indigenous plants and refine our propagation techniques, enabling us to rescue plants, and the animals that need them, from local extinction. Over the past two decades our team have grown one million plants, which have been purchased by public and private landholders to restore local biodiversity. Our skilful volunteers also work continually to maintain and improve the nursery facilities.

The nursery is a collaboration between our Landcare group and the Bellarine Secondary College, a partnership which has been going strong since the Nursery’s establishment in 2002. The secondary school students learn practical horticulture and agriculture skills through growing vegetables and engaging in animal husbandry in the nursery precinct. TAFE classes, Garden Clubs and other groups also visit the nursery for educational sessions and tours. On the last Sunday of the month, the nursery is open to the public. People can also place orders or buy plants by making an appointment to visit on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Bellarine plant lists PDFs

Visit us

Belchers Road, Drysdale.

Opening Hours:
By appointment, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9am - 3pm

The last Sunday of most months 10am - 1pm

We are closed on days of high fire danger or extreme wind warnings. Check our Facebook page for updates on closures.

Nursery Manager Fiona Love
Ph: 0439 392 369 

Contact Fiona before visiting to ensure we are able to meet you. Some plants are difficult to propagate so for larger orders place your order in the December prior to planting.

Please note we only supply plants to Bellarine planting projects.